by Taylor C. Woodward


The following taken from the
Carroll County Chronicle of March 22, 1878:
The undersigned take great pleasure in announcing to the public,
that they have procured the services of Prof. T. B. Sawvel as
Principal of the Augusta Select School, located at Augusta, Carroll
County, Ohio.
Besides the ordinary studies, Natural Science, Literature and
History, the English Etymology and method of teaching will receive
careful attention, preparatory to actual labor of the schoolroom.
In all, the aim will be thoroughness.
Also a department of Music, Vocal and Instrumental, Piano, organ and
Violin. Tuition for term of 12 weeks, $8.00.
Instrumental music alone, 1 lesson per week (12) lessons, $6.00.
1 lesson per week, including school tuition, $10.00.
Arrangements have been made for boarding, ladies $2.00, and
gentlemen $2.50 per week: rooms for self boarding at reasonable
Prof. Sawvel is a gentleman eminently qualified for the duties
incumbent upon the wide awake teacher, and will endeavor to make the
school a success. Gentlemen and ladies desiring to prepare
themselves for the profession of teaching, will find this a rare
opportunity for that purpose.
The location of Augusta being in one of the most healthy regions,
sufficiently removed from the bad influences of our public
thoroughfares, the moral and religious tone of society, and the fact
that intoxicating liquors are not sold in our village, render
Augusta a suitable location for a school of the above character.
The spring term of the school will commence on the 1st day of April
and close on the 21st day of June (A.D.) 1878.
J. B. Roach,
George Gans,
T. B. Culp, J. T. Morland, School Committee.
The following taken from the Carroll County Chronicle of June 14,
The closing exercises of the Augusta Select School will take place
Friday next, in Crawford's Grove.
Miss Lizzie McLean of Augusta, will read the Valedictory Essay,
and Judge McCoy will deliver the closing address. The fall
term of the School will commence on the 2nd of Sept. and continue
twelve weeks.