by Taylor C. Woodward


A group of Augusta Township
citizens held a meeting on Sept. 20, 1870 and formed a society to be
known as the Central Agricultural Society, which shall hold an
annual fair in Augusta Township.
J. B. Roach,
H. M. Shaw,
William Kennedy,
Rowland Pennock,
T. B. Culp,
J. H. Shaw,
Samuel Daniel,
H. A. Iden, R. C. Watson, B. S. Hole. Recorded Sept. 21,
1870 - James Holder.
The Augusta Central Agricultural Society was incorporated on October
21, 1871 with capital stock to the amount of $20,000 to be divided
into 400 shares of $50 each. Robert Henry,
William Kennedy,
T. B. Culp,
H. M. Shaw,
William Iden,
J. B. Roach,
A. Kennedy,
Nathaniel Marshall,
James Hyatt,
I. L. Curry,
Jonathan Woodward.
Recorded Jan. 13, 1872 - James Holder.
Officers, Directors, and Committees of the Seventh Annual Augusta
Township Fair, (and possibly the last fair): President -
Alexander Cunningham, Vice President -
William Cameron, Treasurer -
T. J. Crawford, Secretary -
H. M. Shaw, Marshal -
Jacob Culp.
Members of the Board of Directors:
Andrew Kennedy, Hopkin Hannum,
William Kennedy,
Robert Henry,
T. B. Culp, D. L. Moncrief,
John Woodward,
William Iden,
I. L. Curry,
George Gans.
The harness race program run on a half-mile track, was governed by
rules of the national association, with Robert Yates, Dr. Foracre,
and Elisha McGuire serving on the trotting committee; and Dr. Welch,
Daniel McGary and John McHugh on the pacing committee. In
addition were purses of $125, $50 and $25 for the fastest trotting
and pacing horses or mares.
Departmental Committees:
Draft Horses - Josiah Dennis, James Figley
and Dr. Yates.
Shorthorn. Hereford and Alderney Cattle -
Jonah Queen, Griffith Brogan and John Ulery.
Grade, Work and Fat Cattle - Joseph Hasley, Ephriam Finefrock and
Richard Cunningham.
Sheep - Mahlon Coulson, David A. Boyd and
John Gearhart.
Swine -
Andrew Pottorf, Solomon Miller and
Amos Brogan.
Poultry - H. G. Fouts, Daniel Powell and Levi Marshall.
Field Crops, Roots and Vegetables -
Jacob Grunder,
Solomon Long and William Davis.
Bread and Butter - Mrs. David Crawford, Mrs. N. B. Deford and Emmett
Honey, Pickles and Preserves - Mrs. G. H. Coulson,
Mrs. John Gearhart and N. L. Shaw.
Flowers - Mrs. Elizabeth McGinty,
Mrs. Levi Blackledge and Alonzo Arter.
Farm Implements, Vehicles and Machinery - G. S. Bently,
James Foreman and
James Hyatt.
Domestic Manufacture - Elwood Robinson, Joshua Rollins and Jesse